The Rules Of Texas Hold Em

Posted By admin On 06/04/22

Texas Hold’em is the most widely played poker game in the
world, and it’s generally considered to be a quite simple version of
poker. It doesn’t really take long to learn the rules, because they
aren’t that complicated. Once you have learned them, then you are ready to
start playing the game. On this page we have provided a
straightforward explanation of the rules that should be easy for
beginners to understand.

Basics of the Game

The objective of each Texas Hold’em hand is to win the pot,
which can be done in two ways. You can force all your opponents
to fold based on your betting activity, or you can have the best
possible five card hand at showdown. You can make your hand
using any combination of the two hole cards you are dealt and
the five community cards that are dealt for all players to use.

Hand Rankings

Poker Games Rules Texas Holdem

This video explains the Texas Holdem Rules. For the FULL ARTICLE VERSION, please go here: A lot of Texas Hold 'Em strategy is based on the cards in your hand. You must be willing to suffer through a series of poor hands (e.g. 5-8, 2-6, 4-9) without getting impatient. The good hands will come, eventually, and you'll be in a better position to take advantage of them if you don't waste your chips trying to get something out of nothing. Texas Hold em dealer must have at least a pair to qualify. Before the Flop, the River and, finally the dealer’s two cards are revealed, players must place an equal Ante and Blind bet. Then they have three opportunities to make one raise with the Play bet. The earlier they raise, the more they can risk and win.

The first thing you need to understand are the hand rankings
used in Texas Hold’em, as this shows the relative value of all
hands. The hand rankings are as follows, from the weakest to the

High CardThis is a hand lacking even a single pair. If two hands make it to showdown without a pair, the hand with the highest card wins.26AK3
PairTwo cards of the same rank.9AQK9
2 PairTwo pairs in one hand.44A77
3 of a KindThree cards of the same rank.444AK
StraightFive consecutive cards.23456
FlushFive cards of the same suit.Ah Kh 4h 3h 9h
Full House2 Pair and 3 of a Kind in the same hand.AAKKK
4 of a KindFour cards of the same rank.77A77
Straight FlushFive consecutive cards of the same rank.2h 3h 4h 5h 6h
Royal FlushSame as the straight flush except it runs from the 10 to the ace.Td Jd Qd Kd Ad

Pre Flop Betting Round

Texas Hold’em can be divided into four distinct betting
rounds, the first of which is the pre-flop round. Prior to this
round, the cards are shuffled and the player to the left of the
dealer must make a forced bet known as the small blind. The
player to the left of the small blind must also make a forced
bet, of double the amount, known as the big blind. The size of
the blinds is determined before the game starts.

Each player is then dealt two cards, face down, known as hole
or pocket cards. The players can all look at their hold cards at
this point, and the first betting round begins. The player to
the left of the big blind acts first and can either fold, call,
or raise. Folding means discarding a hand and playing no further
part in the pot. Calling means matching the current bet (the big
blind at this point). Raising means matching the current bet and
betting an additional amount. Anyone wishing to call subsequent
to a raise has to match the total amount bet by the player

The play then moves clockwise around the table, each player
having the same options. The round is finished once every player
has either folded or called, and play progresses to the flop. If
only one player is left (i.e. all other players fold), then that
player wins the pot.

Flop Betting Round

Three community cards are now dealt face up for all players
to see. These three cards are known as the flop. The flop
betting round starts with the player closest to the left of the
dealer and moves clockwise around the table. Each player has the
same options as in the previous round, with the additional
option of checking if no-one else has bet.

Checking means staying in the hand but not making a bet. If
everyone else still in the pot checks, play progresses to the
next betting round. If any player bets, then all other players
must either fold, call that bet, or raise. Play progresses to
the next round when every player has either folded or called.
Again if only one player is left at this stage, he wins the pot.

Turn Betting Round

A fourth community card is now dealt face up known as the
turn card. Another betting round takes place, again starting
with the player closest to the left of the dealer. The format
for this round is the same as the previous round, with players
being able to check, call, raise, or fold. If one player is left,
he wins the pot; if more than one player is left, play
progresses to the next round.

River Betting Round

A fifth, and final, community card is dealt face up, known as
the river card. The last round of betting takes place. If
more than one player is left, players show their cards to see
who has won. This is known as the showdown, and the player with
the best hand wins the pot. If two or more players have hands of
equal value, the pot is split between them.

Following the end of the hand, the player to the left of the
dealer becomes the dealer for the next hand. A new hand is then
dealt, starting at the pre-flop round as detailed above.

OBJECTIVE: To become a winner you should make up the highest possible poker hand of five cards, using the two initially dealt cards and the five community cards.

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2-10 players

The rules of texas hold

NUMBER OF CARDS: 52- deck cards

RANK OF CARDS: A-K-Q-J-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2

THE DEAL: Every player is dealt two cards face down which is commonly called ‘hole cards’.



Introduction to Texas Hold ‘Em

No Limit Texas Hold’em. Sometimes called the cadillac of Poker, Texas Hold ‘em is a fairly easy game to learn but can take years to master.

How to Play

To begin every player gets two pocket cards. A deck of cards is placed in the middle of the table and these are known as community deck and these are the cards that the flop will be dealt from.
Once all players have been dealt their initial two cards players will be asked to place their first bid. Once all players have placed their first bid a second round of bidding occurs.
Once all players have placed their final bids, the dealer will deal the flop. The dealer will flip over the first 3 cards, known as the “flop”, from the community deck. The goal is to make the best 5 card had you can with the three cards from the community deck and the two in your hand.
Once the first three cards have been flipped over, player will have the option to bid again or fold. After all players have had a chance to bid or fold, the dealer will flip over a fourth card known as a “turn” card.
The players still remaining will have the option to once again fold or bid. Now the dealer will flip the 5th and final card over, known as the “river”card.
Once all five cards have been flipped by the dealer, players will have one last chance to raise the bid or fold. Once all bids and count bids have been made it’s time for the players to reveal their hands and determine a winner.

First Round Betting: The Pre-Flop

When playing Texas hold ‘em a round flat chip or “disk” is used to represent the position of the dealer. This disk is placed in front of the dealer to indicate their status. The person sitting to dealer left is known as the small blind and the person sitting to the left of the small blind is known as the big blind.
When betting, both blinds are required to post a bet before receiving any cards. The big blind is required to post the equivalent or higher of the bet placed by the small blind. Once both blinds have posted their bids two cards are dealt to each player and remaining players can choose to fold, call, or raise. After the end of the game the dealer button is moved to the left so that every player takes on the blind position at some point to maintain the fairness of the game.
Fold – The action of surrendering your cards to the dealer and sitting out the hand. If one folds their cards in the first round of betting, they lose no money.
Call – The action of matching the table bet, which is the most recent bet that has been placed on the table.
Raise – The action of doubling the amount of the most recent bet.
The rules of texas hold

The Rules Of Texas Hold'em

The small and the big blind have the option to fold, call, or raise before the first round of betting ends. If either of them choose to fold, they will lose the blind bet that they initially placed.

Second Round Betting: The Flop

After the first round of betting ends the dealer will proceed to deal the flop. Once the flop has been dealt, players will access the strength of their hands. Again, the player to the left of the dealer is the first to act.
Since there is no compulsory bet on the table, the first player has the option to to take the three previous options discussed, call, fold, raise, as well as the option to check. To check, a player taps his hand twice on the table, this allows the player to pass the option to make the first bet on to the player to his left. All players have the option to check until a bet has been placed on the table. Once a bet has been placed, players must choose to either fold, call, or raise.

Third & Fourth Round Betting: The Turn & The River

After the second round of betting closes, the dealer will deal the fourth card of the flop, known as the turn card. The player to dealer left has the option to check or place a bet. The player that opens the bet closes the bet, after all other players have chosen to fold, raise, or call.
The dealer will then add the bets to the existing pot and deal a fifth card known as “The River”. Once this card has been dealt, the remaining players have the option to check,fold, call, or raise. Lets say all players decide to check. If that is the case it is time for all remaining players to reveal there cards and determine the winner. The player with the highest ranking hand is the winner. They receive the full pot and a new game begins.
The Rules Of Texas Hold Em


In the chance of a tie between hands the following tie-breakers are used:

Pairs– if two players are tied for highest pairs a “kicker” or the next highest-ranking card is used to determine the winner. You continue until one player has a higher-ranking card or both are determined to have the same exact hand, in which case the pot is split.

Two pairs– in this tie, the higher ranked pair wins, if top pairs are equal in rank you move to the next pair, then move to kickers if necessary.

Three of a kind – higher ranking card takes the pot.

Straights – the straight with the highest-ranking card wins; if both straights are the same the pot is split.

The Rules Of Texas Hold Em

Flush – The flush with the highest-ranking card wins, if the same you move to the next card till a winner is found or hands are the same. If hands are the same split the pot.

Full house – the hand with the higher ranking three cards wins.

Four of a kind – the higher ranking set of four wins.

Straight flush – ties are broken the same as a regular straight.

Royal Flush – split the pot.

Hand Ranking

2. Pair – Two of the same the same card (9,9,6,4,7)
3. Two pair – Two pairs of the same card (K,K,9,9,J)
4. Three of a kind – Three cards of the same ( 7,7,7,10,2)
6. Flush – Five cards of the same suit
7. Full House – Three card of a kind and a pair (A,A,A,5,5)
9. Straight Flush – Five cards in order all of the same suit (4,5,6,7,8 – same suit)
10. Royal Flush – Five cards in order of the same suit 10- A (10,J,Q,K,A)